Sunday, November 14, 2010

Across the Sea, Across the Plain

So I just went to a lesson taught at BYU library which they teach every 2nd and 4th Sunday. The class was called "Mormon Ancestors: Across the Sea, Across the Plain". They gave us a web site that lets you search the companies that crossed the plains. I had been wondering which one my ancestors came across on and in about 4 minute I had found out. All I had to do was go to then under 'About the Church' there is a 'Church History' tab. At the bottom there is project called 'Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel 1847-1868'. I just searched her name and got her companies name and the whole passenger list. There are also some options of journals that were taken about the company. What a cool cite!!

Good luck searching!
Becca Smith

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Family History Help Session!

Family History help session Wed. 10, 3-5
Heidi is going to be in the Family History Library in the HBLL!
Go and get help with your family history. : )

Looking Back and Looking Forward

"If we can look back through the generations, we see those who helped us to get where we are now—those who forged the way before us, whether they were members of the Church or not. And in the restored gospel we realize even more deeply our responsibility to link them to us through the ordinances of the temple. In a letter from the Prophet Joseph Smith to the members of the Church, we read: 'These are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over. . . . For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, . . . they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect'