Sunday, November 14, 2010

Across the Sea, Across the Plain

So I just went to a lesson taught at BYU library which they teach every 2nd and 4th Sunday. The class was called "Mormon Ancestors: Across the Sea, Across the Plain". They gave us a web site that lets you search the companies that crossed the plains. I had been wondering which one my ancestors came across on and in about 4 minute I had found out. All I had to do was go to then under 'About the Church' there is a 'Church History' tab. At the bottom there is project called 'Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel 1847-1868'. I just searched her name and got her companies name and the whole passenger list. There are also some options of journals that were taken about the company. What a cool cite!!

Good luck searching!
Becca Smith

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